If this little nation goes down the drain ask yourself
What’s gonna happen to all the other little nations?
I saw you splatter one right in the back with a missile
Now we can build a great society --it’ll last three months
But you have our complete support.
There is no question what so ever
We are here to stay!
Foreign Invaders
Responding to chaos with new resolve
Going south to the countryside to draw the line
Hold the line. The final domino is the Presidency.
Bring the resolution off the shelf
Bring back the blank check
It’s unanimous in the house
Being in a minority doesn’t mean that you’re wrong,
But that’s the way it’s gonna be.
We must love each other or we must die
At the end of November
I was given an order,
I sat in a nearby cafe to wait for the explosion.
As a result the attack succeeded and we got away from the Brink’s Hotel. New Years Greetings in the year of the snake.
On with Rolling thunder...
And how bout some help
To defend a place like that
We’ve got to find these Viet Cong and kill’Em.
If Ho Che Mien would have been George Meany
Johnson would have had a deal.
“ I feel like a hitch-hiker in a hail storm on a Texas highway.
I can’t run, I can’t hide, and I can’t make it stop.”
We are out of our minds and cannot reconcile our pride.
We will not retreat
We cannot be defeated by code of arms
We will meet his needs (but don’t tell the people)
It’s too dangerous if an entire people get too angry.
Some want to blow up everything
Some want to get out
Lets reason it out and give these people a choice to
Bother something else past a renewed commitment.
We have declared war on disease
We have declared war on tyranny
Poised in a river valley at the foot of a mountain
Face to Face with a B-52 for the first time.
It’s not like all the other wars said the President
Yet finally all wars are the same.
We do what we must to end this battle
For we must stand
Or see the promise of two centuries fail.